User talk:Casper Jansen

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Revision as of 05:17, 12 July 2013 by Casper Jansen (Talk | contribs)

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To Dan

Hey Dan Tried to email you but perhaps found the wrong or old mail address Recently stumbled onto your wikioverland website and i though that is a great idea. Something I have been thinking about doing myself long time, but never got the time. My name is Casper, i travelled, like you, but around the world, and for about 10 years. I have, sinds last year, settled in Mali, started a campsite for overlanders, but due to the political problems here, its quit. Since i have a ton of info, perhaps i can start helping you with your website. But tell me, is the project stil running? Have you just started it or what? Give me some info please so i know what your plans are. Thanks Casper

Traveling is fun, writing about it as wel