Vehicle shipping

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Shipping Terminology

The following terms are common-place when shipping goods in containers.[1]

  • Ocean Freight: The cost of actually shipping the container from A to B.
  • Bunker: The cost of the fuel for the ship.
  • Stuffing: Getting the goods into the container and sealing it. The details here are important as this may include moving the container around or not.
  • Lashing: Physically lashing the vehicles into the container so they don’t move around.
  • Unstuffing: Getting the goods out of the container, which again may include moving the container from the port to the yard or not.
  • Documentation Fee: The cost of lodging all the paperwork with customs.
  • Bill of Lading: The official document describing the contents of the container.
  • Port Fees: The amount charged by the port to allow the container and it’s contents to pass.


  • All of the above may be charged per container or per vehicle and may cover both ends or not.
  • If you put more than one vehicle into a single container (it's usually cheaper) make certain it's very clear on the Bill of Lading who owns which vehicle.


  1. Shipping across The Darien Gap Pt. 1 | The road chose me

Hackney's Shipping Guide for Overlanders

Montevideo (Uruguay) to Norfolk, Virginia in shared container (part one) and (part 2) - Capitol Southbound

Santos (near Sao Paolo), Brazil to Galveston, Texas via RORO shipping part 1 and part 2 - Life Remotely

Cartagena (Colombia) to Galveston, Texas via RORO shipping - Bodeswell


Seabridge run a almost weekly service to Antwerp. This is Ro-Ro. They allowed stowed personal posessions in your car. We have no experience of this but charges are easy to calculate. They charge Length x Width x Height in meter and then 44 Euro per cubic meter. There is a fuel surcharge od 20% on top of that. Then there are charges ion Antwerp that are 245 Euro. There is another 295 Canadian Dollars for the port charges in Canada. That's it. So our truck at 5.52 x 1.8 x 2.2 = 21.86 x 44 = 961.80Euro + 20% + 245 Euro = 1399.17 Euro plus the 295 Canadian Dollars.

More info to follow on shipping by container from Halifax to Liverpool. Currently this is looking to be 1675.00USD from Port to Port plus a Dartmouth, Halifax loading fee of $325CAN. UK fees look to be in the region of £250UKP.