General advice

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Welcome to the Overland General Advice Page.

The information below is intended to give advice and information about issues and problems commonly faced by Overlanders. Feel free to add information questions if you need further clarification.

My vehicle registration will expire while I'm on the road. What do I do?

There are a few ways this can be handled.

  1. Depending on where your vehicle is registered, it might be possible to renew it online, or have a relative go the relevant authority to renew it on your behalf. Check with your local auto-registation office if this is an option. Once it's renewed, you'll need to get the new papers sent to you on the road.
  2. Lots of overlanders put their vehicle into "NoOp" (No Operation) status - i.e. once they've left the first world, they tell the registering office they will not be driving the vehicle, and the registration won't be valid anymore. It can easily be resumed upon returning. When doing this, Overlanders then just show their Title at each border crossing, as it won't expire. (see note below about expired registration)
  3. Lots of overlanders simply let their registration (and associated insurance from home state/province) expire while on the road, and don't bother renewing it until returning to the first world. When doing this, Overlanders then just show their Title at each border crossing, as it won't expire. (see note below about expired registration)

NOTE on Expired Registration: When traveling with expired registration, many overlanders have said nobody at borders will even notice, while others have been called out on it immediately. Everyone's experience is a little different. If you choose to travel with expired registration, there are a couple of pieces of advice that are worth following:

  1. Only show your Title at each border crossing - if the border officer asks, just say that's all their is.
  2. Make a copy of your registration and fake the expiry date, or remove it completely. Use a scanner and a photo editing program, then a color printer. This option is by far the easiest for travel in undeveloped countries.

I've heard about making a copy of my drivers license. What's that about?

Do I need and International Driving Permit (IDP)?

My vehicle on has one license plate, should I get/make a second one?

What do I do about insurance for my vehicle and stuff?

What do I do about travel insurance for people?

What do Overlanders do for long-term Malaria medication?