User talk:Harald Hansen

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Revision as of 07:04, 10 December 2011 by Dan (Talk | contribs)

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Hey Harold, thanks so much for all the awesome contributions. You are making wikiOverland the resource I always dreamed it could be.

Just one thing to note, I think we should limit WikiOverland to only the information you can't find elsewhere online, and mostly just the essentials needed to get across countries/continents. For example, visa information for people can so easily be found on other sites, and changes often, so I'd rather just link to it so others have to keep it up to date.

I know that stuff like People of Overlanding, detailed vehicle mods, etc. is all interesting stuff, but I feel there are already so many other sites out there actively maintaining that info, there is no reason to duplicate it. I really want to avoid WikiOverland turning into a "Land Rover" vs. "Toyota" discussion - again there are just so many other sites doing that, let's leave it to them.

If we put too much extra stuff into WO, it will be an enormous amount of work to keep it even remotely up-to-date. WikiOverland is unique with it's country information like process at the border and gas prices in any currency, so that's where I'd like to focus. Getting a page up for (virtually) every country would be fantastic, with as much information as possible from the Country template. Adding more Popular Overland Routes is high on my list when we have more country information too.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. The last thing I want to do is discourage anyone from contributing. WikiOverland is of course for the community, and I'm just one person, so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about and the community wants to take it in a different direction. Thanks again, -Dan 07:04, 10 December 2011 (GMT-13)