Vehicle shipping

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Shipping Terminology

The following terms are common-place when shipping goods in containers.[1]

  • Ocean Freight: The cost of actually shipping the container from A to B.
  • Bunker: The cost of the fuel for the ship.
  • Stuffing: Getting the goods into the container and sealing it. The details here are important as this may include moving the container around or not.
  • Lashing: Physically lashing the vehicles into the container so they don’t move around.
  • Unstuffing: Getting the goods out of the container, which again may include moving the container from the port to the yard or not.
  • Documentation Fee: The cost of lodging all the paperwork with customs.
  • Bill of Lading: The official document describing the contents of the container.
  • Port Fees: The amount charged by the port to allow the container and it’s contents to pass.


  • All of the above may be charged per container or per vehicle and may cover both ends or not.
  • If you put more than one vehicle into a single container (it's usually cheaper) make certain it's very clear on the Bill of Lading who owns which vehicle.


  1. Shipping across The Darien Gap Pt. 1 | The road chose me

Hackney's Shipping Guide for Overlanders

Montevideo (Uruguay) to Norfolk, Virginia in shared container (part one) and (part 2) - Capitol Southbound

Santos (near Sao Paolo), Brazil to Galveston, Texas via RORO shipping part 1 and part 2 - Life Remotely

Cartagena (Colombia) to Galveston, Texas via RORO shipping - Bodeswell


Seabridge run a almost weekly service to Antwerp. This is Ro-Ro. They allowed stowed personal posessions in your car. We have no experience of this but charges are easy to calculate. They charge Length x Width x Height in meter and then €44.00 EUR per cubic meter. There is a fuel surcharge od 20% on top of that. Then there are charges ion Antwerp that are €245.00 EUR. There is another $295.00 CAD for the port charges in Canada. That's it. So our truck at 5.52 x 1.8 x 2.2 = 21.86 x €44.00 EUR = €961.80 EUR + 20% + €245.00 EUR = €1,399.00 EUR plus the $295.00 CAD.

More info to follow on shipping by container from Halifax to Liverpool. Currently this is looking to be $1,675.00 USD from Port to Port plus a Dartmouth, Halifax loading fee of $325.00 CAD UK fees look to be in the region of £250.00 GBP.