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The Fiche is used in Southern [Morocco]], [[Western Sahara]] and [[Mauritania]] at Police Checkpoints. Sometimes you will show your passport to, and on rare occasions the temporary import permit for your vehicle, and maybe your vehicle insurance.
The Fiche is used in Southern [Morocco]], [[Western Sahara]] and [[Mauritania]] at Police Checkpoints. Sometimes you will show your passport to, and on rare occasions the temporary import permit for your vehicle, and maybe your vehicle insurance.
Nom: <em>Surname</em>       
Prénoms:    <em>Firstname Middlename</em>
Passeport n°:   <em>Passport number</em>   
Délivré le:     <em>Date passport issued</em>
Date de naissance: <em>Birthdate</em>
Délivré à: <em>Place passport issued</em>
Lieu de naissance: <em>Place of birth</em>
Valide jusqu’à:     <em>Date passport is valid until</em>
Nationalité: <em>Nationality</em>
Profession: <em>Profession</em>
Domicile: <em>Home address, including country</em>
Situation familiale: <em>marital status(Single: Célibataire – Married: Marié – Divorced: Divorcé – Separated: Séparé)</em>
Motif du voyage: <em>Tourisme</em>
Nom du père:       <em>Name of Father</em>
Nom de la mère: <em>Name of Mother</em>
Date d'entrée Maroc: <em>Date of entry to Morocco (from your passport)</em>
Port of entry: <em>Port of entry to Morrocco</em>
CIN # <em>The number from the Morocco stamp in your passport</em>
Marque du véhicule: <em>Make and model of vehicle</em>
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
Immatriculation: <em>License plate of vehicle</em>
VIN:       <em>VIN of vehicle</em>
| Nom:
| <em>Surname</em>
| Prénoms:
| <em>Firstname Middlename</em>
| Passeport n°:
| <em>Passport number</em>   
| Délivré le:
| <em>Date passport issued</em>
| Date de naissance:
| <em>Birthdate</em>
| Délivré à:
| <em>Place passport issued</em>
| Lieu de naissance:
| <em>Place of birth</em>
| Valide jusqu’à:
| <em>Date passport is valid until</em>
| Nationalité:
| <em>Nationality</em>
| Profession:
| <em>Profession</em>
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| Domicile:
| <em>Home address, including country</em>
| Situation familiale:
| <em>marital status(Single: Célibataire – Married: Marié – Divorced: Divorcé – Separated: Séparé)</em>
| Motif du voyage:
| <em>Tourisme</em>
| Nom du père:
| <em>Name of Father</em>
| Nom de la mère:
| <em>Name of Mother</em>
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| Date d'entrée Maroc:
| <em>Date of entry to Morocco (from your passport)</em>
| Port of entry:
| <em>Port of entry to Morrocco</em>
| CIN #:
| <em>The number from the Morocco stamp in your passport</em>
| &nbsp;
| &nbsp;
| Marque du véhicule:
| <em>Make and model of vehicle</em>
| Immatriculation:
| <em>License plate of vehicle</em>
| VIN:
| <em>VIN of vehicle</em>

Revision as of 06:03, 7 July 2016


A Fiche is a piece of paper with details about yourself and your vehicle. It's written in French to make communicating all the important details easier at Police Checkpoints.


The Fiche is used in Southern [Morocco]], Western Sahara and Mauritania at Police Checkpoints. Sometimes you will show your passport to, and on rare occasions the temporary import permit for your vehicle, and maybe your vehicle insurance.


Nom: Surname
Prénoms: Firstname Middlename
Passeport n°: Passport number
Délivré le: Date passport issued
Date de naissance: Birthdate
Délivré à: Place passport issued
Lieu de naissance: Place of birth
Valide jusqu’à: Date passport is valid until
Nationalité: Nationality
Profession: Profession
    Domicile: Home address, including country
Situation familiale: marital status(Single: Célibataire – Married: Marié – Divorced: Divorcé – Separated: Séparé)
Motif du voyage: Tourisme
Nom du père: Name of Father
Nom de la mère: Name of Mother
    Date d'entrée Maroc: Date of entry to Morocco (from your passport)
Port of entry: Port of entry to Morrocco
CIN #: The number from the Morocco stamp in your passport
    Marque du véhicule: Make and model of vehicle
Immatriculation: License plate of vehicle
VIN: VIN of vehicle