Overland Peru Travel

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Entering Peru with a Car or Motorbike

Correct as of: January 2012

Required Paperwork

Process at border

(To check if you need a travel Visa for Peru, application instructions and fees see: Peru Visa online application at VisaHQ.com)

  • The owner of the vehicle gains entry at immigration (migración), by getting a tourist card, getting it stamped by the police and finally a stamp in their Passport.
  • The owner must show the new passport stamp, drivers license and the original vehicle registration to customs (aduana).
  • The owner is issued a temporary import permit for the vehicle.
  • If you cross at Tumbes, the kiosk to return your vehicle permit is on the NORTHBOUND side of the highway as you approach the border. It is in a run down, blue and white building in a gravel parking lot about 5kms from the actual border. It looks more like a police check point than an Aduana. If you miss it, Peruvian police will kindly send you back. The Tumbes border was slow, but safe and we saw no corruption.

Cost of entry


Permitted length of stay

90 days.

Extension of stay

The temporary import permit can be "suspended" while you leave the country. One person explains their experience as follows:
It's possible to store vehicles in Cusco at La Quinta Camping. The process is as follows, get to the Duana downtown (Cusco) apply for a suspension, the customs and/or Policia Nacional will come to the campground to make sure the vehicle is there. Milagros the manager of the campground will sign a paper that the vehicle will not get moved for the period of time you apply for the importacion temporal being suspended. That's it. You'll fly or bus from Cusco to Lima and off you go. As I understood from them the process took about 48 hours to be completed.
Storage at La Quinta is S/.7.00 PEN for 24 hours.

Storing a vehicle and temporarily leaving the country

Describe if/how a vehicle can be stored, and for how long.
Also mention if the owner / temporary importer can leave the country while the vehicle is in storage.

Exiting with a vehicle

  • The registered owner must get the Police at the border to stamp their tourist card, clearing them to leave Peru.
  • The registered owner can then be stamped out of Peru at immigration.
  • The registered owner presents the temporary import paper to customs.

Driving in Peru

Insurance requirements

Insurance is mandatory in Peru, however it's difficult to purchase because the vehicle will not be in the Peruvian computer system. Many people simply show the police SOAT insurance (Seguro Obligatorio Automóviles Transito) from another country (i.e. Ecuador or Colombia)

Cost of insurance

$24.00 USD for 3 months for a 4x4.

Where to purchase insurance

If you cross the border from Ecuador at Tumbes, insurance can be purchased in the parking lot of the migracion / aduana.

Driving license

Technically an International Driving Permit is required.
In reality, showing a license from anywhere in the world seems to be good enough.

Driving side of road

Right hand drive vehicles are permitted without problem.

Mandatory items in vehicle



General Road quality

Roads in Peru vary greatly. Major highways are often paved and very good quality. Lesser roads are gravel and vary from good to horrendous. If you choose a back-road through the mountains, be prepared for extremely narrow, windy, bumpy, dusty gravel tracks.

Road signs

Road signs do exist, but are far from common. Most towns have at least one sign stating the name of the town and distances to the next towns. Road hazards are often un-signed.

Toll roads

Tolls are very uncommon, and are infrequent when found on some highways. Sometimes only Northbound traffic must pay a toll. When they are uncounted, expect to pay something like USD $2 for at least 100km.

  • No tolls are required for motorcycles. For bigger toll stations, keep far right (right of the lorry line-ups) and there will be a small lane to pass.

Bribery in Peru

Police bribery is common in Peru. The Police will try many different tactics to get money from you, including your lack of insurance (they know it's near impossible to buy).
See the bribery tips page for advice.


Police checkpoints are common in Peru. You will be asked to present your Passport, Vehicle registration, drivers license and the temporary import permit you were issued at the border.

Traveling with pets

List the entry requirements and anything else required to travel with a pet.

Gas and Diesel price in Peru

Last updated: January 2012

Currency and unit to display:

Gasoline Grade Price
Regular (84) $4.96 USD per Gallon (US)
Super (90) $5.57 USD per Gallon (US)
Premium (95) (rare)  ??
Ultra (97) (rare)  ??
Normal Diesel $4.50 USD per Gallon (US)
Diesel (low sulfur)  ??

Gas and Diesel / Frequency

Purchasing gas in Peru is not commonly a problem.
Typically gas stations are not more than 200 - 300km apart.

Gas and Diesel Quality

Gasoline purchaed from name-brand outlets (ie. PetroPeru, Repsol) is regarded as better quality than a "no name" mechanic (grifo).

Safety and Security Considerations

Driving at night

Driving at night is generally not recommended, though might be OK on the larger highways.

  • Poor road quality means potholes and obstacles are common.
  • Dangerous driving such as tailgating, overtaking around blind corners and excessive speeding are very, very common.
  • There can be many objects on and around the road that are nearly impossible to see at night, such as livestock, people, slow moving carts, cars with no lights, etc.

Vehicle parking

Parking vehicles on the street in smaller towns during the day is typically OK. Find a secure parking lot in big cities and at night.

Special driving considerations

Drivers in Peru are particularly crazy, which leads to some very dangerous driving conditions. There have been many horrific accidents in recent years (some involving Overlanders) due to large trucks and buses taking hairpin corners in the wrong lane. Sound your horn loudly when approaching any sharp corners on mountainous roads.
Don't be afraid to give a couple of short taps on your horn in heavy traffic, it's not impolite, and lets other drivers know where you are.

Security advisories and information

Camping in Peru

Camping is not common or popular with local Peruvians, though many hostels in touristy areas have camping to cater for backpackers.
Prices for camping at hostels fluctuates with the tourist seasons - check a backpacker guide book.
There are many excellent sites for roadside camping around the Cordillera Blanca in central Peru.

Camping guide books

No specific book exists, though the usual backpacker guide books mention when a hostel or park has camping facilities.

Drinking water

Tap water in Peru is not safe to drink. Every corner store sells 1 and 2 liter bottles, and 20 liter bottles can be bought at most large grocery stores.


Paper maps

Maps of Peru are difficult to find, and road conditions change daily. Purchase maps before arriving in Peru.

GPS Maps of Peru

  • Perut (Peru Routeable): A community map project like OSM with excellent coverage for Garmin[1]
  • Open Street Map: Appears to have good coverage.[2]
  • Garmin: No map of Peru.[3]
  • TomTom: No map of Peru. [4]

GPS co-ordinates for camping, propane, gas, repairs, etc. in Peru

Special Overland Travel interests

  • Machu Picchu - It's not possible to drive all the way to Machu Picchu, but you can get pretty close and save yourself a lot of money by not catching the train. From the Cuzco area, drive through The Sacred Valley, passing Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Santa Maria and finally along a very narrow little track to the village of Santa Teresa. The last section of road is very narrow and windy, and requires a high-clearance vehicle. In Santa Teresa you can camp and safely leave your vehicle at the Inka Tour Hospedaje - the only campground in town. From Santa Teresa you can hike four hours, or catch a taxi to Hydroelectrica, where you can hike along the tracks or catch the train to Aguas Calientes which is the town at the base of Matchu Pitchu. Don't drive to Hydroelectrica - it's only a construction site and there is absolutely nowhere to park (even for motorbikes)[5].

Travel Guide Books

Lonely Planet Peru (travel Guide)
Lonely Planet Peru (travel Guide)
by Lonely Planet, Carolyn McCarthy, Greg Benchwick, A...
From $13.07 on Amazon
Work Less To Live Your Dreams: A Practical Guide To Sa...
Work Less To Live Your Dreams: A Practical Guide To Sa...
by Dan Grec
From $click on Amazon
Don't Go There. It's Not Safe. You'll Die. And Other M...
Don't Go There. It's Not Safe. You'll Die. And Other M...
by LifeRemotely.com
From $click on Amazon
Americas Overland - The Driving Handbook
Americas Overland - The Driving Handbook
by Donald Greene
From $29.95 on Amazon
Overlanders' Handbook: Worldwide Route And Planning Gu...
Overlanders' Handbook: Worldwide Route And Planning Gu...
by Chris Scott
From $22.49 on Amazon
Adventure Motorcycling Handbook: A Route & Planning Gu...
Adventure Motorcycling Handbook: A Route & Planning Gu...
by Chris Scott
From $click on Amazon
Peru Handbook (footprint - Handbooks)
Peru Handbook (footprint - Handbooks)
by Ben Box, Robert & Daisy Kunstaetter
From $13.72 on Amazon
TRAVELIVING - a romantic & practical guide

TRAVELIVING - a romantic & practical guide
by The Pin Project

at 10$ on thepinproject.eu

Vehicle Maintenance


4x4s / Trucks


Local Garages

Add known good mechanics here.

Buy or sell a car or motorbike in Peru

A foreigner can buy and register a Peruvian vehicle and drive it outside Peru. An export fee of Error in price tag: The cost attribute must be specified." will be charged to any foreigner removing a Peru registered vehicle from the country.

Describe how a foreigner can sell a foreign-plated vehicle, or list not possible.'


  1. Peru Routeable (In Spanish)
  2. OpenStreetMap Peru
  3. Garmin coverage map
  4. TomTom Map availability
  5. Machu Picchu - The Road Chose Me

Helpful External links